miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Spin off - Responsbile Bob ep 1

   Responsible Bob is a humble normal personl living in a trailer park somewhere in Uganda. He moved from Kazahstan because of the problems caused by recent problems with overfilling garbage dumps. Seful lui era Kristiaan von Dartmuth, cel care fabrica aspiratoare de praf de inalta performanta. Ludovic era prietenul lui cel mai bazat din cartierul de motorhomes. Gyuri era sotia lui Ludovic, iar Ludovic era sotia lui Gyuri. In urma evaziunilor fiscale, sustrageri si lipsuri de la apogeele educationale de la Harvard, St. Cheese si Louisburg Academy for Salubrisation, el era in cautarea unui nou loc de munca. Kristiaan dorea sa il ajute plasand niste sfaturi sfatuitoare in directia lui. Printre primele recomandari pe lista lui era fabrica de asamblat sandwichuri cu cascaval si sunca. Fabrica "We always were the best!" wanted to hire him and offer substantial payment as the passing months passed. Kristiaan had a friend (only one), Stoianski, that was a drug dealer. Revenind la Responsbile Bob, el si-a manufacturat CV-ul printr-un program automatizat. Mama lui era Fist John Annah, made him a fish cake, gave him a fresh suit, game him a slimy french kiss, placed him on the rug in front of the entrance door, gave him a well placed boot into the butt, and he got propelled into the oncoming traffic on the highway road in front of the trailer park. He face planted Kristiaan that was driving an Opel Astra. He gently sat on the passenger seat, with the centura of siguranta locked in. Au vorbim una alta, au fumat cateva tigari, au dansat, apoi au inceput sa consume bauturi alcoolice si plante etnobotanice (toate aceastea, in Opel Astra). Pe marginea drumului se afla o prostituata, care facea cu mana. Kristiaan a tras pe dreapta, lua prostituata, numita Emillia de aici in colo, accelera, se opri, si fiind foarte tripati i-au administrat un futai ca de lux, ca la carte, si au ajuns la fabrica de imbuteliat, pardon, asamblat sandwichuri cu cascaval si sunca. Arunca CV-ul pe biroul lu'sefu', slide-ui pe podea pana a ajuns in incinta camereai de productie, si incepe a munci pe gratis. When maintaining the production line, his boss designated him to a new sector of the factory. He got shoved in a cold icy box, with a guy named Confused Ed. Ed was a nice lad, tall, young, handsome, with only 4 fingers on his left hand due to an incident at a nearby facility, that used to grind down cows for the manufacturing of fast food meat. Gnarley as it was, Responsible Bob made Confused Ed his new mate. Fred, the maintenance guy, greeted Responsible Bob by offering him drept cadou de cooperare un ceas ultraperformant, un pachet de tigarete luxurioase and a gold ingot weighing in at 250kg. La cei doi li so facut o pofta pofticioasa de a merge la baie, si s-au dus. Upon their entrance into the mystical world of the pee-room, Ed noticed something spooky. A guy put a vacuum cleaner in the sink and submerged it into water. Responsible Bob being as responsable as he responsibly is, helped the dude by giving notice to him that the household appliance was pluged in the wall socket and might cause cardio-vascular trauma and seisure by electrocutare. Lamaile de obicei cresc in copaci, dar se pot vinde si in magazine. El a luat o teava cu un diametru prestabilit de guvern, a introdus teava prin cavitatea cervicala a domnului care submersa aspiratorul de praf in apa, el intrand intr-o coma indusa de soc mecanic.

Stay tooned for more Responsible Bob episodes ! ;)

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